The modified first practice will be held on Tuesday September 7 at 12 noon at Kensington Road School. Players should arrive at least 5 minutes early so they have time to get ready. Important: Players will only be allowed to practice if they’ve already been medically cleared by the school nurse (see below).
Practices are generally scheduled every weekday at 3:30 PM and they typically end around 5:00 at Kensington. We usually do practice in rain and other bad weather, except lightning. Players should always assume that practice will be held unless an announcement is made in school canceling it or unless the coach specifically told them the day before. During the first few weekends of September, practices may also be held on Saturdays.
Soccer or athletic shorts; a red, black or white tshirt; shinguards; soccer cleats; a soccer ball; and water or a sports drink. If you come to practice without any of these things, it is considered 'unprepared.'
If you don't have a soccer ball of your own, one will be lent to you for the season but you'll be responsible for bringing it to and from practice. There is also no easily available water at Kensington so it's important to bring enough water or sports drink to last you the whole practice.
All players must get medical clearance from the school nurse before being allowed to practice.
**You can have a physical (free) with the middle school nurse. These will be held on July 8 and July 22 in the morning. You must call in advance to make an appointment: 793-3418. If you get your physical this way, you'll have to complete an update form (see below).
**If you have a physical with your own doctor, you must get a form from the school which your doctor will fill out. They have to use this form. You must submit this completed form to the school nurse. She will review it and to authorize you to play assuming there are no problems.
**If you have your physical before August 1, you will also have to fill out a
medical update form. This is just to ensure that you haven't had any injuries since your physical. All that's needed is for your parent to fill it out and sign it and submit it to the school; you don't have to go back to the doctor.
All forms should be submitted to the middle school nurse or athletic office in August but no later than August 31 at 11am.
All forms can be picked up in the Athletic Department Office in the high school or in the middle school nurse's office or by
clicking here.
It is strongly recommended that parents make and keep a copy of any medical forms in case there is a hiccup.
If you are not medically cleared for any reason, you will have to wait until the first day of school to see the nurse and thus miss the first few practices and possibly the first contest as a result. So if you are unsure about anything, please contact Coach Farenell (see below) or the athletic office in the high school.
Do NOT bring any of these forms to the coaches at practice. They must be given to the nurse. The nurse will provided to the coaches a list of players who are medically cleared. Coaches are not authorized to medically clear players nor to permit them to practice until they are cleared.
All are encouraged to check this website during the summer for any updates.
contact Coach Farenell