Monday, September 1, 2008

Important information about absences, getting picked up, medical stuff and other misc. (2010)

-If a player knows in advance that he is going to miss practice(s) and/or game(s) for whatever reason, please inform the coach a day or two before. If a player leaves school early because of sickness, also please email the coach if possible.

-Players are not allowed to participate in practice or a game if they miss any part of the school day because of illness or an unexcused absence.

-Please be prompt in picking your son up after games/practices or make sure other arrangements are made.

-Any asthma inhalers, bee sting kits, diabetes pumps or other medical stuff should be brought to every game and practice, clearly labeled with your son's name and left out in the open (NOT inside a backpack). If your son has an extra one, PLEASE give it to the coach to keep in the medical kit.

-Parents and players should feel free to contact the coaches at any time and for any reason. Please don't wait until problems fester. The earlier the coaches know what's going on, the earlier any problems can be addressed.

-Please note that schedules are always subject to change. Check the team calendar for the most up to date information.

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