Saturday, September 8, 2007

Players must be properly equipped at all times

For safety (and thus legal) reasons, it's important that players are properly equipped at all times, including at practice.

Players should wear to PRACTICE:
-Soccer cleats
-Shinguards (size appropriate)
-Red, black or white t-shirt

Over the years, I've often been asked by players if they have to wear shinguards during practice and the answer is YES. One of the worst injuries I ever received as a player was during a practice (and that was with shinguards... it would've been worse without). So players must wear shinguards if they want to practice. No exceptions.

Field players are required to wear to GAMES:
-Soccer cleats
-Black socks
-Shinguards (size appropriate)
-Black shorts
-Red, black or white t-shirt
-School-issued jersey: red for B team, red (away) or white (home) for A team

Additionally, players are not allowed to wear any ear (or other) rings, bracelets or necklaces during a game. They must be removed before the game. This includes the Livestrong and other rubber bracelets that are now popular. Referees will allow medical necklaces but they must be tucked inside the player's shirt and taped to his body.

Referees will no longer check player equipment prior to a game. If a player is sent off the field for not being properly equipped, both he and the coach will receive a yellow card.

If a second player does the same thing, the coach will receive a red card, be ejected from the game and, since there is no assistant coach, the game would be forfeited. He will also be suspended for the next game.

If a coach is carded for this reason, he will be EXTREMELY unhappy. Players are responsible for properly equipping themselves. Players are encouraged to remind their teammates out if they forget.

GOALKEEPERS are required to wear to GAME:
-All the same equipment as a field player...
-Except he must wear a different color jersey than the rest of his teammates and the opposing team
-He must wear a foam goalkeeper's helmet
-He must wear a mouthguard
-He is very strongly encouraged to wear goalkeeper gloves

The coaches will provide the helmet and can provide gloves and a mouthguard for keepers who need them.

Keepers should bring their gloves to all practices, but they don't need to bring the helmet or mouthguard to practice.

Goalkeepers are responsible for bringing their own equipment to games. If they don't, the team will forfeit because the game can not be played without a properly equipped keeper.

Keepers should also bring their regular team jersey (red for B team; away red or home white for A team) so they can play the field if they are not in goal.

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