Monday, August 31, 2009

Commonly asked questions...

Q: Will there be cuts?

A: Normally, there are not cuts at the modified level but this year, it's possible. Numbers are low this year. If final turnout is between 20-25 (too many for one team, but not enough for two), there may need to be a few cuts. Hopefully, there will be enough players for both an A team and B team. Decisions about cuts will not be decided until practice starts, though if there are cuts, age/grade will not play a factor.


Q: A friend of mine missed the interest meeting in the spring but still wants to play. Can he?

A: Given the uncertainty, if you missed the spring interest meeting but still want to play, it's best if you contact Coach Farenell to find out what's going on.


Q: Is there a specific kind of cleat you must have?

A: It does not matter what brand, model or color shoes you wear but you must wear soccer cleats. Baseball or football cleats are not permitted. The actual studs on the bottom of the shoe must be rounded, not square or rectangular. Rule of thumb: if the studs have corners, they aren't soccer shoes. The typical soccer boot has something like 8-14 round studs on the bottom of the shoe. If the bottom of shoe has several dozen little nubs, then it's a shoe designed for artificial turf. If the bottom of the shoe just has grip like a regular sneaker, then it's an indoor soccer shoe. Soccer shoes designed for artificial turf or for indoor are not illegal, but they aren't appropriate for our purposes and will make it very difficult on the player. I am not certain, but I believe metal studs are illegal in school soccer so stick to the hard plastic molded ones.


Q: What about shinguards?

A: A new national rule was passed requiring officially certified shinguards on all players. If you can find shinguards with the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) label or logo, please buy those. That will ensure the player is wearing a size-appropriate shinguard. Since this is a new rule, the NOCSAE authorized shinguards may be hard to find at stores around here. In reality, I'd be very surprised if modified referees strictly enforced this rule. But make sure the player has a shinguard that covers most of his shin. The general guideline is that there should be no more than a couple fingers distance between the bottom of the shinguard and the ankle and between the top of the shinguard and the knee. As long as this is the case, then the shinguard should be fine. If a player is wearing an NOCSAE approved shinguard, then this won't be a problem as they are made and labeled height-appropriate.


Q: Is there any particular size ball my son should have?

A: At this level, we use a full size (size 5) ball. If he has a smaller (size 4) ball, it's not a big deal for practice. But ideally, he should have a size 5 ball so he can get used to what we use in the games.


Comprehensive pre-season information can be found by clicking here. But if you have a question not covered there, you can either contact me or just leave a comment in the comments' section of this entry. I'll update it if I get more questions.

-Coach Farenell